Who We Are

Loving Lewis County is a local Christian church-based service program.  We aim to serve some of the homeowners in our community to help them with their unmet needs.  Because of our volunteers,  agency partnerships, and local business generosity, Loving Lewis County can help to accomplish multiple home projects every other year - transforming home owner’s lives and hearts, just as Jesus has done for us.

Many churches right here in Lewis County have organized and embarked on mission trips throughout the United States.  In October 2014, the idea came about to undertake mission work right here within Lewis County, so “Loving Lewis County” was born.  

In 2015, the churches (view them here) of Loving Lewis County decided to expand ministry outside of the church walls and “work and witness” to those in need within Lewis County. While the work week occurs every other summer, partnerships, and fundraising with local churches and agencies continue year-round . In collaboration with local agencies, Loving Lewis County obtains a list of people who need help but do not qualify for certain services through these local agencies, nor do they have the means to pay for essential repairs or transformations themselves. In other words, Loving Lewis County provides critical support to those with a high chance of “slipping through the cracks.”

Some of these transformational work projects include supplying wood for the winter season, building handicapped ramps, installing new windows and doors, painting the interior and exterior of homes, repairing roofs and steps, installing new flooring, cleaning, and landscaping. However, one of the most important aspects of the Loving Lewis County Work Week occurs after the work is finished.

Loving Lewis County Work Weeks: a combination of working and witnessing that transforms lives, just as Jesus has done for us.

Through the service of Loving Lewis County Volunteers and the support of local churches, each work week offers an opportunity to witness to those in Lewis County. While the physical work repairs homes during this week, witnessing Christ's transformational love changes eternities. The teams of volunteers from the local churches at each work site always take time to sit down and visit with the people they are helping. As a result, everyone grows closer together and closer to God.

At the close of the work and witness week, Loving Lewis County hosts a community-wide worship and church service at the Lewis County Fairgrounds, to which those who helped during the week are personally invited. Loving Lewis County supplies the meal afterward, and these shared worship services provide an environment for fellowship, testifying to God’s presence during the work week, and continued relationship development.

We, the member churches of Loving Lewis County, Inc., pledge to pray, worship, and work together to serve God and our neighbors.

We also pledge to be faithful members of Loving Lewis County, supporting and promoting its ministries under the continuing guidance and providential care of the Spirit. We further agree that we will abide by God’s Holy Word and that the Apostle’s Creed will be our unified statement of faith.

If you feel called to serve with Loving Lewis County, we encourage you to fill out our skills assessment form. Every gift can be used to transform the lives of those in our community! We would love to have you join our team of church volunteers.

Count Your Blessings, One by One

Loving Lewis County has allowed us to bless our community, and it has been wonderful for members of each church to meet new folks from other churches in the area. We are so blessed to have made life-long friends who have become very special people in our hearts and lives. 

Some of our most dedicated members have been called to serve in other areas for the glory of God. We will forever be grateful for the times we served together here in Lewis County and for the fond memories we made.

Come Serve With Us

Loving Lewis County | 2024 Work Week

Loving Lewis County can serve our community because of our church partners and volunteers. We encourage you to see how you can serve with Loving Lewis County, as we believe God equips every volunteer with the skills that can help transform the lives of those in need.
